Messenger group for students

Photo source: Google
Photo source : Google

The word Messenger in Information and Communication Technology refers to an online software platform that offers communication and sharing of information between the individuals or group of individuals. Messenger can be any communication platform that offers sharing of texts, videos, audios, files, links, etc. Few popular messenger platform are Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, etc. Messenger group is a group that can be formed in messenger for communication and sharing of information between a group of individuals. It can be used for various purpose in real life such as in Health, Business, Education, etc. The role of messenger group is vital especially in case of Education.

Messenger group can be used for sharing various information about classroom activities such as assignment, project work, notes, etc. between the students. This can be a helpful tool for both teachers and students to communicate and share information related to teaching and learning activities. A messenger group can offers discussion and collaboration among the students which can help them to improve their problem solving and communication skills. Some Messenger also offers unique features such as creating polls, creating events, notes, etc. It can also help to share updates among students related to classroom activities. It offers outside-the-classroom-experience i.e. students can improve their knowledge and get information without physically attending the classroom. Messenger group can also help to enhance the engagement of the students and offer sharing of resources instantly. It can be great tool for making the flipped classroom effective and reliable. 

Though there are lot of benefits of Messenger group for students, there are few challenges too. Messenger group can be a risky place to share personal information as it can hinder the privacy. It may arise problems such as cyberbullying and harassment. It can be difficult to access by the students who do not have proper device and good internet connection. It can also be a reason of distraction for the students. So we must be careful while using Messenger group and be sure that it enhances positive learning experience. 


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